Privacy Policy

Blinking as a company was founded with the primary goal of ensuring a high level of privacy for users of Blinking products in the digital world. The basis of the policy that Blinking follows is that the fundamental human right is the Right to protection in the processing of personal data. The Blinking platform is essentially a technical framework that enables users to be active in the digital world with full confidence that their personal, private, and special data will be handled in accordance with the highest standards defined by the European Union regulation that came into force on May 25, 2018: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679.

● Personal data refers to any data or information that relates to the personality of a natural person and on the basis of which their identity is determined or can be determined. Personal data that unambiguously distinguishes one citizen from other citizens is called identification data (name and surname, residential address, date of birth, personal identification number).
● Private data refers to a special, legally defined category of specific data as well as other data that cannot unambiguously determine identity but can lead to a breach of privacy if misused.
● Special data refers to: racial origin, citizenship, national or ethnic origin, political opinions or party affiliation, union membership, religious, philosophical, or other beliefs, health status, genetic code, sexual life; criminal convictions; biometric data (e.g., fingerprints).
All user data can be stored on the Blinking platform only with the explicit consent of the user. Access to user data by third parties is possible only with the user’s consent given electronically or in person.
All data stored on the Blinking platform is under the control of the user. The user has insight into every action of reading and processing their data. User data stored on the Blinking platform is protected by the highest encryption standards at all stages of processing.
In accordance with GDPR regulation, the user has the ability to download their data in a machine-readable format, request updates, or delete their data.
User data can be used for advertising purposes only with the user’s consent for a limited set of data for which the user gives consent. If the user explicitly consents to the use of personal data in advertising, it will be used for these purposes, e.g., sending newsletters, product samples, invitations to participate in competitions or lotteries, all via email, regular mail, or any other communication channel to which the user has agreed.
Data processing for advertising purposes is carried out with the same level of protection using the highest encryption standards at all stages of processing. The user has the right to withdraw their consent for the use of personal data for advertising purposes at any time.