It is our great pleasure to announce a partnership with MerkurXtip, which has been operating in Serbia for more than 30 years. During this time, the company has proven to be one of the most successful sports betting companies in Serbia, with a strong focus on responsible business conduct. In 2020, the company launched the … MerkurXtip leverages Blinking’s onboarding technology, offering superb UX to their players
Identity verification is an increasingly important topic for gaming operators. Operators need to have certainty that players are who they claim to be before being allowed to start playing. That means making sure new and existing players are genuine and, even more important, old enough to gamble. Meridian is one of the globally leading providers … Meridian join forces with Blinking to ensure best in class onboarding for their player community in four territories
Blinking announces the beginning of the strategic partnership with Ananas. Ananas is an e-commerce startup, founded by Delta Holding, which connects shoppers and merchants on a reliable e-commerce platform. The main differentiating characteristics of the platform are: variety of goods, cooperation with the biggest suppliers and superior customer experience. Apart from mentioned, a 100 million … Ananas selects Blinking to power up their e-commerce platform with identity verification of their vendors
Blinking announces the beginning of the strategic partnership with Ananas. Ananas is an e-commerce startup, founded by Delta Holding, which connects shoppers and merchants on a reliable e-commerce platform. The main differentiating characteristics of the platform are: variety of goods, cooperation with the biggest suppliers and superior customer experience. Apart from mentioned, a 100 million euros investment … Ananas selects Blinking to power up their e-commerce platform with identity verification of their vendors
Lob, a sports betting company from Montenegro, has partnered with Blinking, an innovative information technology company, to develop digital identity and player onboarding solutions with finest user experience. As a thriving and responsible company, Lob recognized the players’ need to access their service remotely and opted for a partnership with Blinking that enables the players … Blinking provides a player friendly onboarding experience for our new partner Lob
Patents are traditionally looked to as a way to protect innovation, but this imperative is shifting towards a way to improve business practices. Many tech companies, banks, innovators are viewing the patents as an important part of their innovation and digital transformation. Nowadays, innovators continue to realize the transformative potential of blockchains and distributed ledger … USPTO Issues Patent to Blinking – Authentication Method For A Client Over A Network
Patents are traditionally looked to as a way to protect innovation, but this imperative is shifting towards a way to improve business practices. Many tech companies, banks, innovators are viewing the patents as an important part of their innovation and digital transformation. Nowadays, innovators continue to realize the transformative potential of blockchains and distributed ledger … USPTO Issues Patent to Blinking – Authentication Method For A Client Over A Network
Blinking has been selected for the third generation European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Star Venture Scaling programme as a high-potential company from Serbia. The EBRD’s Star Venture programme identifies high potential, innovative start-ups and companies which are ready for lift off. The Star Venture Scaling programme will support us with world-class business advice … Blinking is selected for the EBRD’s Star Venture Scaling Programme
We are pleased to announce the partnership with Tesla Capital, a part of the Securities and Commodity Contracts Intermediation and Brokerage Industry and leading online brokerage house in Serbia and the region of Southeast Europe. In order to accelerate digital transformation and to deliver a superior end-customer experience to their tech-savvy clients, Tesla Capital joined … The largest brokerage house in Serbia chooses Blinking to confirm the identity of its clients
This award is presented for the contribution to the development of the banking technologies and their application in the practice and is given for the most innovative technological solution which has been applied during the previous year. In accordance with the digital transformation strategy, AIK Bank, in cooperation with partners, Blinking and Comtrade System Integration, … Most Innovative Product – Banking Technology Award “Miša Mirković”