
Customer Experience (CX) is the defining game changer in the banking industry today. Financial institutions that invest in customer experience have higher rates of recommendation and are more likely to up-sell or cross-sell products and services to existing customers. Let us begin by defining customer experience in banking or financial organizations. Customer experience in banking, relates Building value with exceptional customer experience in banking sector

Blinking, a provider of digital identity and customer onboarding solutions, is partnering with Setcce, a high-profile global Digital Transaction Management company, to strengthen the security of digital document signing. The collaboration between these two companies provides a unique workflow for the customer – one process which includes video identification, verification of customer’s identity, and e-signing Blinking and Setcce: Identify, sign and keep, a full service model

Blinking, a provider of digital identity and user onboarding solutions, is partnering with Mainstream, a forward-thinking technology firm focused entirely on the Cloud, to offer a turn-key onboarding solution tailored to a wide range of industries and business requirements. Blinking has launched Identify RAPID as a one-stop shop onboarding solution to help businesses around the Blinking Launches Off-The-Shelf Onboarding Solution, For A Variety Of Industries, On The Leading Marketplace Mainstream

Digital identities have become an attractive target for cybercriminals. Whether it results in financial gains for the cyber felon or reputational damage for the company, the consequences can be detrimental to a business. For cybercriminals, stealing an identity doesn’t require too much effort. And although there is often misconceptions that only large enterprises are at Milos Milovanovic, Blinking: “People tend to look at digital interactions without understanding possible repercussions”

Blinking, a provider of digital identity and rapid customer onboarding solutions, is partnering with Inception, a trusted service provider for qualified electronic delivery and qualified timestamping, to provide out-of-the-box solutions for remote identification and contracting to financial institutions in the Western Balkan Region. Blinking IDentify platform provides a one-stop shop for online products and processes Blinking Partners with Inception to Offer Financial Institutions in Serbia and Region End-to-End Solution for Remote Identification and Contracting

Blinking, pružalac usluga u oblasti digitalnog identiteta i rešenja za akviziciju korisnika, udružio se sa IPification-om, globalnim pružaocem usluga autentfikacije, verifikacije korisnika i rešenja za prevenciju prevara koje se zasnivaju na korišćenju dinamičkih IP adresa, kako bi dodatno unapredio bezbednost svoje platforme za digitalni identitet. Od sada, umesto SMS OTP-a, Blinking uključuje IPification verifikaciju telefona. Blinking kompanija koja pruža rešenja za brzu akviziciju korisnika putem verifikacije digitalnog identiteta, ulazi u partnerski odnos sa IPification kompanijom kako bi dodatno poboljšala bezbednost svoje platforme za digitalnu identifikaciju